Depo-Provera: Steps To Take if You’ve Been Affected

If you believe you may have developed a brain tumor as a result of using Depo-Provera, there are some key steps you should take. Here’s what you should do:

Seek medical attention:

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of a meningioma, see a qualified medical professional as soon as possible. Brain tumors can become very dangerous—even when benign—if they crowd your brain and increase pressure in your skull.

Obtain documentation from your physician:

The more evidence you have of your Depo-Provera use and the resulting side effects you endured, the easier it will be to recover compensation for your losses.

Talk with an experienced product liability attorney.

Your attorney can help you understand your legal options and pursue your claim for damages.

Can I Still File a Depo-Provera Lawsuit?

Evidence of the potential link between Depo-Provera and brain tumors is relatively new. Plaintiffs are just beginning to come forward to file claims. This means that if you or a loved one was impacted by a tumor after taking Depo-Provera, you can still take legal action.

Pfizer, which manufactures Depo-Provera, could potentially be held strictly liable for all damages that plaintiffs endured if the drug caused harm as a result of a defect. The drug company could also be held accountable if those taking the medication suffered unexpected side effects they were not warned about.

Strict product liability laws favor plaintiffs because they do not have to show a drug maker was negligent in order to recover compensation.

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